Seared scallop, Grenoble style garnish
Yohan Da Costa (Rougié)

1 pc scallop7 pc capers
1 pc lemon
1 pc lime
1 pc sliced soft bread
5 pc chervil
Pm parsley powder
Pm butter
Pm grape seed oil
Pm salt
Pm pepper
ScallopDefrost, and lightly incise the top of the scallop.
Sear in a warm frypan with the grapeseed oil and season.
Cook for 1-2 min.
Add the butter, flip the scallop, and cook for 1 more minute.
Rest 1 min before to plate up.
Grenoble style garnish
Remove the skin of lime.
Cut into 3 mm dices then reserve.
Cook the lemon in oven at 160°C for 45 min.
Mix the pulp and strain.
Reserve in a sauce bottle.
Cook the capers in the grape seed oil.
Season and reserve on paper.
Cut the soft bread in round shape.
Brush with butter and cook between two pastry treys.
Cook in oven at 180°C for 8-10 min.
Plate up
Sprinkle the center of the plate with the parsley powder.
Dispose the scallop in the middle.
Add the Grenoble style garnish.
Finish with the chervil.