Stuffed scallop in spinach, ponzu foam sauce
Yohan Da Costa (Rougié)

Scallop1,5 pc scallops
½ pc eringii mushroom
2 pc spinach leaves
15g cream
Pm salt
Pm pepper
Pm olive oil
Ponzu foam sauce
½ pc shallot
50g sake
50g kombu dashi
25g butter
15g carrot
Pm chopped chives
Pm chopped dill
Pm ponzu
Pm salt
Pm mignonette pepper
ScallopDefrost the scallops on a wire rack in the refrigerator.
Make a “farce fine” with the half piece scallop and the cream.
Cut the eringii mushroom into 2mm dices and sear them.
Cooldown and mix with the “farce fine”.
Keep in a refrigerator in a pipping bag.
Cook the spinach in a salted boiling water.
Cooldown in cold water and ice cubes.
Keep on a clean towel.
Cut the scallop in half widthwise.
Season and stuff with the “farce fine”.
Cover with the spinach.
Wrap to remove the air.
Cook in steam oven at 85°C for 5 min.
At the end of the cooking, the core temperature should be between 50°C – 54°C.
Ponzu foam sauce
Thinly cut the shallot.
Reduce with the sake and the mignonette pepper.
Deglaze with the kombu dashi and reduce until to obtain a syrup consistency.
Add the butter.
Finish with the ponzu and season.
Strain and make the foam.
Add the carrot cut into 2mm dices already cooked, and the herbs.
Plate up
Pour the foam in the center of the plate.
Cut the scallop in half.
Brush with olive oil and dispose on the plate.